Announcement: Countdown timer and stopwatch timer program is in stage of development
June 20, 2016

A countdown timer and stopwatch timer is in stage of development.
The program will be free and compatible with all new Windows versions, including Windows 10. The purpose of the program is to provide an efficient software solution for setting alarm clocks or to countdown time, respectively to count time (stopwatch), with multiple features included.
What you will be able to do by using the program:
- set an alarm clock that will trigger a sound, a message or an action such as shutdown or restart of the computer, log off the user, defragment the hard disk, run a program with specific instructions (parameters), run a script, open a website in the browser;
- count the time passed from a specific event; pause, reload and stop the timer at any time;
- set alarms and timers that are applied regularly, for large periods of time, for example for weeks, months or years;
- manage the list with alarm clocks and stopwatch timers: modify the details about the task or delete the running or paused task/activity;
- change the interface language in either English or Romanian.