Translate Virtual WiFi in other languages
If you find the application useful and you would like to sustain and contribute to its development you can translate its interface in other languages. If you know a foreign language, other than English or Romanian (or French, Polish, Vietnamese or Spanish), then you can make the translation of a series of messages from English in that language - it will take about 30 minutes.
The translation will allow Virtual WiFi to be used by those who don't know any of the languages in which the program is currently translated. The result: Virtual WiFi will be more useful, and easy to be understood and to be used for a larger number of users.
Below are listed two online spreadsheets from where you can start translating online, without downloading any files.
Spreadsheets 1: Google Docs source
Spreadsheets 2: Google Docs source
Spreadsheets 3: Google Docs source
The translation of the program in French, Polish and Vietnamese was made by some of the program users. Thank you!